Welcome to My EPortfolio

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reflections on EDU 255

My journey into educational technology began when I started taking online courses for my teaching credential. Learning via a computer platform is perfect for me: I work fulltime so the scheduling flexibility is crucial, I am a visual learner and have always learned best via reading and writing, and I am a self directed student. As I took more online courses, I started to entertain the idea of myself teaching online. Fast forward two years and I was offered my first online math class to teach by the dean of the math department at Yavapai College. I was also fortunate enough to be part of a summer online training workshop in which I was introduced to Todd and other TELS trainers who gave me a glimpse into the possibilities of what adding technology to classes could do. After the workshop, I registered for this class and now I feel like I have just started upon an exciting journey that will change the way that I instruct my students and communicate with parents, students and other staff members!

As you read through my educational portfolio, you’ll read description of some of the ways that I will use the various tools that we have encountered in this class. I am going to build upon the wiki that we started in class, create short video and audio lectures to supplement class instruction, and I have already started using the wiki in my high school classes. I have started making Jing recordings for my online math class at the college. I have made audioboos for friends. I recently located a website that is quite inspirational to me. Mr. Coley is a fifth grade teacher who has created a website for his class that includes audio podcasts of lessons, video lessons, a class blog in which students report on what happened in class that day, online grades for parents and students to access, and much more! I like the way that he has encouraged his students to use the technology in his classes, and I hope to do the same. However, before I bite off more than I can chew, I need to pace myself and incorporate the changes in manageable increments so that I am able to keep up the website.

This class has given me the confidence to incorporate more technology in my personal life as well and it has raised my self esteem: I feel like I’ve entered the 21st century!! For example, I actually USE my facebook page now (as in I actually input what my status is rather than just lurking reading my friends’ posts!)….and I’m enjoying having this method of communicating with local and distance friends. More importantly, this class has made me want to learn more about educational technology and I hope to continue my studies in this field.